Legal Blog: Eugene Gorokhov

Federal Charges Dismissed with Prejudice: Justice Prevails for Akbar Masood

For nearly three years, the government denied our client, Akbar Masood, access to the evidence he needed to defend himself while simultaneously violating his right to a speedy trial. Despite these egregious delays and due process violations, the prosecution persisted in its baseless pursuit of charges against him. Yesterday in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland,

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Compassionate Release Motion Reduces Life Sentence

Eugene Gorokhov and Jonathan Knowles represented Ahmad Linton in his motion for compassionate release.  Mr. Linton had received a life sentence for murder, which Mr. Linton maintains he never committed.  With the help of Burnham & Gorokhov, Mr. Linton was able to reduce his sentence to 30 years. The case is No. 98-cr-258, United States v. Stokes.  The final order can be viewed

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Superlawyers 2020

Attorneys Charles Burnham and Eugene Gorokhov have been named to SuperLawyers for Washington, DC..  The award is limited to the top 5% of lawyers in a jurisdiction.  Thank you!

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