Legal Blog: Federal Criminal Investigations

White-Collar Crime: Federal Investigations and Common Defenses

White-collar crime encompasses a range of non-violent offenses often involving deception, fraud, or breaches of trust to achieve financial gain. Federal prosecutors aggressively pursue white-collar cases, and individuals accused of these crimes face severe penalties, including imprisonment and significant fines. Understanding the nature of white-collar crime, the federal investigative process, and potential defense strategies is crucial for anyone under investigation. What

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How Do You Know If You’re Under Federal Investigation?

There are various reasons why someone might be under federal investigation. It’s important to note that this answer provides a general overview, and specific cases can vary widely in terms of their circumstances and the laws involved. Here are some common reasons: Violation of Federal Laws: If someone is suspected of violating federal laws, such as those related to drug

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In what instances would the Fed send a target letter to someone?

A target letter is typically sent by federal prosecutors to individuals who are the target of a grand jury investigation. A target, per the U.S. Attorneys Manual, is “a person as to whom the prosecutor or the grand jury has substantial evidence linking him or her to the commission of a crime and who, in the judgment of the prosecutor,

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Penalties of Mishandling Classified Documents in the United States

Mishandling classified document offenses is a serious crime that can carry severe penalties. These offenses are defined by a variety of statutes, including 18 USC § 783(b), 18 USC § 793(e), 18 USC § 952, and 18 USC § 1924. 18 USC § 783(b) deals with the receipt of classified information by foreigners and their agents. Under this statute, it

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Search Warrant Authority of Offices of Inspector General (OIG)

Does an Office of Inspector General Have Search Warrant Authority?  If you are a Federal employee who has become aware that you or your workplace are under investigation by an Office of Inspector General (OIG), you probably have many questions. What authority do they have? Can they issue search warrants? The short answer to these questions is: their powers are

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Under Investigation for Paycheck Protection Program Fraud?

Aggressive Investigations Require Proactive Defense At the end of September 2022, the Department of Justice (DOJ) launched “Strike Force Teams” to investigate and prosecute Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan fraud. Of the $800 billion distributed through the PPP, some estimate that $100 billion could have been fraudulently spent or obtained. Nearly a quarter of loan recipients, according to these same

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How Can Healthcare Professionals Defend Themselves from Controlled Substances Act Charges?

In recent years, there has been increasing news coverage regarding the “opioid epidemic,” alleged “pill mills” and unscrupulous providers. This has increased the risk that well-meaning providers to be charged under the Controlled Substances Act for prescribing more than guidelines would recommend to, say, a patient suffering from intense pain who has developed a tolerance to lower doses. Such charges

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PPP Loan Fraud Investigations

PPP Loan Fraud Investigations If you or your business are under investigation for, or have been charged with, alleged fraud involving the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), you need the skilled, experienced PPP Loan Fraud defense attorneys of Burnham and Gorokhov, PLLC, representing you as soon as possible. What Is the PPP? In late March

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Frequently Asked Questions: Business Email Compromise Schemes

What is a Business Email Compromise Scheme? Business Email Compromise (BEC) schemes vary in their details and mechanics, but the gist of the scheme is that it is conducted by sending email targeting individuals or employees of companies, usually with the goal of fraudulently inducing the target to make a transfer of funds to an account or accounts controlled by

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