Legal Blog: Federal Crimes

How Do You Know If You’re Under Federal Investigation?

There are various reasons why someone might be under federal investigation. It’s important to note that this answer provides a general overview, and specific cases can vary widely in terms of their circumstances and the laws involved. Here are some common reasons: Violation of Federal Laws: If someone is suspected of violating federal laws, such as those related to drug

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What is a “reverse proffer” and when is it used?

A “reverse proffer” is a term used in criminal law, specifically in the context of plea bargaining. Usually, a proffer session is a meeting between the prosecution and the defense during which the defense offers information in exchange for some sort of leniency or concession in the case. The idea is to “proffer” or offer up some kind of valuable

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Basics of Freedom Access to Clinic Entrances Act – FACE Act

What Everyone Needs to Know About the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act  While the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court in June 2022 has reverted the issue of abortion to the states, the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act remains in force as a federal protection for people seeking reproductive health services, which includes both abortion

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Penalties of Mishandling Classified Documents in the United States

Mishandling classified document offenses is a serious crime that can carry severe penalties. These offenses are defined by a variety of statutes, including 18 USC § 783(b), 18 USC § 793(e), 18 USC § 952, and 18 USC § 1924. 18 USC § 783(b) deals with the receipt of classified information by foreigners and their agents. Under this statute, it

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What Should You Do If You Are Being Investigated for Cryptocurrency Fraud?

The issue of criminal charges relating to cryptocurrency has been brought to the forefront by the recent arrest of Samuel Bankman-Fried, founder of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, in the Bahamas on charges including multiple forms of fraud and the conspiracy to commit fraud, campaign finance charges, and money laundering. If you are being investigated for cryptocurrency fraud, you may wonder what

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Under Investigation for Paycheck Protection Program Fraud?

Aggressive Investigations Require Proactive Defense At the end of September 2022, the Department of Justice (DOJ) launched “Strike Force Teams” to investigate and prosecute Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan fraud. Of the $800 billion distributed through the PPP, some estimate that $100 billion could have been fraudulently spent or obtained. Nearly a quarter of loan recipients, according to these same

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How Can Healthcare Professionals Defend Themselves from Controlled Substances Act Charges?

In recent years, there has been increasing news coverage regarding the “opioid epidemic,” alleged “pill mills” and unscrupulous providers. This has increased the risk that well-meaning providers to be charged under the Controlled Substances Act for prescribing more than guidelines would recommend to, say, a patient suffering from intense pain who has developed a tolerance to lower doses. Such charges

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Fraud Abroad? The Fourth Circuit Clarifies When Defendants May Be Prosecuted In The United States for International Fraud.

This month, the Fourth Circuit issued its decision in United States v. Elbaz, 52 F.4th 593 (4th Cir. 2022) on rehearing. The Fourth Circuit clarified that the federal wire fraud statute does not apply extraterritorially, but that the use of United States wires to conduct foreign fraud can justify U.S. prosecution. This has ramifications for digital fraud and for venue

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